Professor Nele Demeyere is the academic lead on OCS, OCS-Plus and OxMET.
Prof Demeyere is an associate professor at the University of Oxford, working at the interface between cognitive neuropsychology and clinical practice in stroke. Since 2015, Prof Demeyere heads the Translational Neuropsychology research group at the University of Oxford. Her research spans fundamental cognitive neuropsychology, clinical tool development for cognitive screening, observational cohort studies and applied health research. Prof Demeyere leads all aspects of academic research regarding the cognitive screening tools, including collaborations involving cultural and language adaptations of the tools.
Dr Mihaela Duta is the technical lead on OCS-Plus and OxMET
Dr Duta is a Senior Research Software Engineer in the Oxford Research Software Engineering group within the Department of Computer Sciences, University of Oxford. Dr Duta leads the software development and maintenance of the computerised tablet-based cognitive screening with OCS-Plus and OxMET.
Mr Sam Webb is a doctoral student within the Translational Neuropsychology Group. Sam contributed to data curation, analysis and manuscript writing for the initial validation work on the OCS-plus and is now helping to lead the next stages of validation in a clinical cohort for OCS-Plus.
Sam’s PhD work focusses on the clinical validation and informational value of the OxMET.
Prof Glyn W Humphreys oversaw the initial development work for OCS, after having developed the Birmingham Cognitive Screen (BCoS) and Birmingham Object Recognition Battery (BORB). Prof Humphreys also instigated the first translations of OCS in Hong Kong and mainland China, before unexpectedly passing away early January 2016.
Prof Humphreys was the Watts professor and Head of Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford.
Emeritus Prof M Jane Riddoch was part of the core developing team for the OCS, the BCoS and the BORB
Prof Riddoch is now an emeritus Professor at the University of Oxford. Her research has included work on visual, attention and action disorders as well as neuropsychological rehabilitation.
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