OCS-Plus app
The OCS-Plus was designed to sensitively screen for cognitive impairments and provide a differentiation between memory and executive deficits. The OCS-Plus contains 10 subtasks and requires on average 24 min to complete.
The app is downloadable from Google playstore and Apple Appstore.
The manual and scoring sheet for the Figure Copy task is available here as a PDF
In order to activate the app for use, registration is required. Each licence can be used to activate the OCS-Plus app on up to 4 individual devices.
standard user licence does not allow for any participants’ data to be shared and keeps all information on the local device only. The app does not require an internet connection and will run offline. A report is automatically created based on age-specific normative data. This visual report can be saved locally on your device and you may choose to print / email / upload it to anywhere you wish, following your own data governance procedures. Only up to 8 local sessions can be saved on the device at any time. Further assessments require deleting previously stored local assessments within the app. The standard registration is free of charge.
The research user licence at a later point. This will allow you access to the full data for all assessments you upload. This licence will incur an administration and storage fee. In addition, a collaboration and data sharing agreement between the University of Oxford and your institution will be required. With this research user licence, the locally stored anonymous participants’ cognitive data can be uploaded to the user’s assigned folder on secure cloud storage. The app can still be run off-line and data uploaded when an internet connection is available. As with the standard version, only up to 8 local sessions can be saved. Further assessments require uploading of data or deleting of sessions. The research version of the app allows full data storage through user-directed manual uploading of the local app storage data to cloud storage associated uniquely with your licence and can be added to a research project collection where there are multiple researchers collecting data.
Your licence can, should you require it, be updated to a
The privacy policy for the app can be found here